Storytelling at SOON festival 2021

Storytelling SOON Festival 2021

SOON festival 2021

The partnership of Janssen and Inopsys, working together for a sustainable world.

At the SOON festival on May 4th, the story of how Inopsys started one day and the value of the partnership with Janssen in this start-up phase will be told. In 2015, this partnership resulted in the success story 'Plant on a truck' and supported Inopsys growth in its start-up phase.

Janssen and Inopsys work together for a sustainable world, where we love to tell you more about at the SOON festival. Info and tickets:

#soonfestival #soon2021 #storytelling #plantonatruck

Storytelling by Bert Verstappen, Principal Expert Environment & Sustainability at Janssen and Steven De Laet, CEO of Inopsys.



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